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Beit el Wali

Beit (Beyt) el-Wali, today, is located just south of the Aswan High Dam, very close to the Kalabsha Temple. Beit el Wali is one of the cluster of moments that were moved to New Kalabsha during the construction of the High Dam in order to avoid their burial beneath this great lake
Beit el-Wali represents another of Ramesses II's Nubian monuments dedicated principally to Amun, together with other gods, that was carved from the sandstone hillside and is probably unique as the smallest of its gender.

The temple was probably originally fronted by a brick pylon and was built on a symmetrical cruciform plan, and consisted of a deep hall, a transverse antechamber with two columns and a sanctuary. Known as a speos, the temple was mostly hewn from the surrounding rock, except for the front wall of the deep hall with its central doorway.

There are low reliefs of considerable historic value because they provide depictions of the Syrian, Libyan (right wall), and Ramesses II's triumph over the Nubians (left wall). The scenes of the Nubian campaigns also depict several sons of Ramesses II engaged in battle. There are two proto-Doric columns with brightly colored scenes inside the temple showing Ramses making offerings to the gods of Horus, Khnum, Satet and Anukis.

Archaeologists have suggested that there were as many as four stages of construction resulting in this small temple. During the early Coptic era, the temple was transformed into a church.


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