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Valley of the Nobles

The Tombs of the Nobles actually comprises a number of distinct areas on the West Bank at modern Luxor (Ancient Thebes). These areas mostly lie in five different regions.
The tombs at the Valley of the Nobles are much smaller and display different drawings than those found at the tombs of the Valley of the Kings.
No scenes of the journey to the "Afterworld" are found.
Instead, detailed pictures of a noble's daily life during the New Kingdom are depicted: agricultural scenes, hunting and fishing scenes, festivals and ceremonies, musicians and dancers, maids and servants, craftsmen and artisans.
Here one finds some of the most beautiful private tombs on the West Bank.

The vizier under Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II was responsible for taxation, justice and foreign policy. The reliefs in his tomb depicts tribute being brought to Egypt, a procession of African beast and goods and Rekhmire's coronation a vizier.

Sennufer was mayor of Thebes and overseer of the gardens of Amun during the reign of Amenhotep II. The antechamber of his tomb is decorated with reliefs of grape arbors.

Hunting and fishing scenes adorn the chambers of this 28th dynasty estate inspector's tomb.

This tomb contains well preserved reliefs of everyday country life.

Ramose was governor of Thebes during Amenhotep IV's reign. Work was begun on this impressive tomb in the classical Egyptian style, but on into the tomb, changed to the Amarnan style. This was because Amenhotep IV had become Akhenaton. When Akhenaton went to Amarna, Ramose followed, thus leaving the tomb unfinished.

The royal scribe and tutor decorated his tomb with hunting scenes and barbers cutting hair.

The royal scribe and granary inspector's tomb bears reliefs of harvests, unloading of boats, a market scene, and cattle herds. Of interest is a relief of a complete set of instruments employed in the Opening of the Mouth ritual.


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